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The Secret Life of a Celebrity Surrogate (2020) - Also known as "The Surrogate"

Director: Mark Gantt
Cast: Brianne Davis, Mitchell Hoog, Carrie Wampler, Carl Beukes, Olivia Taylor, Jordyn Aurora Aquino, Kenneth Miller, Melissa Chambers, Hank Rogerson, Sandi K Shelby, Alana Samuels, Mimi Fletcher, Tamas Nadas, Lawrence Gilligan, Sean Reuben Smith, Doug Montoya, Vince Newton


Cut to Oliva, who is hooking up with her hunky boyfriend named Ryan. She is a writer who is struggling to pull her life together after a string of back luck. She gets kicked out of her apartment for being behind on rent by four months, loses her job, and catches Ryan cheating. (Oh, and also her parents are dead.)

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