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3 Women (2020) - Also known as "Respect"

Director: Mark A. Grey
Cast: Judith Jacob, Milena Barbosa, Robert Phillips, Derek Rookley, Sharan Atwal, Adeel Ali, Jude Spooner, Lennox Brown, Robin Varley, Mark A. Grey, Erin Gudeaux, Peter Balderstone, Robert Eugene, Hanna Cassidy-Matthews, Josh Anderson-Grey, Millah


3 Women is a powerful yet touching drama examining the lives of three disparate women reliant on their faith as they strive to gain respect as they go about their lives in their corner of London. Pre lives in an abusive relationship and has a history of domestic abuse since childhood. Nicola is a career executive and is struggling to find respect among her peers in a male dominated environment. Sajmal is a nurse struggling to hold her family together as her brother slides into gang related activities and fights to gain respect and bring about peace between the warring local and Islamic cultures in her community.

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