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Mags and Julie Go on a Road Trip. (2020)

Director: Ryann Liebl
Cast: Ryann Liebl, Elisabeth Donaldson, Wes Tank, Angie Campbell, Franki Moscato, Jeremy Keene, Steven Koehler, Dalton O'Malley, Steve Piper, Hunter West, Sammy Ketcham, Luis Rico, Nate Haban, Max Jonathan Neuens, Katie Robare, Gabriella Papale, Helen Brewer, Debra Babich, Lauren Senger, Michael Johnson, Eric Leukert, David James Slama, Maryjo Evenson, Patrick Fliess, Deb Farris, Maggie Clementi, Avery Stvebs, Susanne Wihlborg, Susie Patron, Emily Engeldinger


Mags and Julie Go On A Road Trip is a heartfelt, laugh out loud buddy movie, written and directed by actress Ryann Liebl. This film, in the vein of Bridesmaids mixed with Grumpy Old Men, takes the audience on a journey of what it means to be a woman and balance life.

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