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Donna (2020)

Director: Jaret Martino
Cast: Israel Acevedo, Kate Amundsen, James Aronson, Sandy Bainum, Steve Barkman, Anthony Belfiore, Evan Brubaker, Mikel Butler, Kiera Capitanio, Angelo Caporizzo Jr., Angelo Caporizzo, Anna Mia Conley, Anthony Coppola, James Cribbins, Catharine Daddario, Renee K. Dawson, Giavanna Dicecco, Al Dubinsky, Arsonval Faria, Dennis Feitosa, Gianna Ferazi, Anthony Ficco, Brian J. Fine, Remington Ford, Lauren Francesca, Laura Frenzer, Jackson Gill, Isa Goldberg, Najee Griffin, Shirley Huang


A young mother's "American Dream" turns into a living nightmare, until she finds the inner strength to listen to a voice she hadn't heard before: her own.

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