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Slay the Dragon (2019)

Director: Chris Durrance, Barak Goodman
Cast: Stephen Wolf, Rick Pluta, Charles Williams II, Curt Guyette, David Daley, Katie Fahey, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Chris Jankowski, Margaret Dickson, Vann Newkirk, Robert Draper, Rob Christensen, Ari Berman, Jeff Jackson, Carter Wrenn, Kathay Feng, Justin Levitt, Joe Spaulding, Peter Earle, John Sylvester, Barry Burden, Dale Schultz, Patrick Marley, Chris Taylor, Bob Hall, Nick Stephanopoulos, Mickey Michaux, Gerry Herbert, Anita Earls, Brad Schimel


It influences elections and sways outcomes-gerrymandering has become a hot-button political topic and symbol for everything broken about the American electoral process. But there are those on the front lines fighting to change the system.

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